Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It's Black Bin Day today.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a quiet office in Felixstowe where the first cup of coffee of the day has just been made and is steaming nicely in front of me. A really nice start to the day - clear , a bit chilly and with the sun rising over the North Sea on the inward commute.

Goodness knows why, but I've got to partake in a fraud awareness session in about 90 minutes.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I was just thinking !
Do people use Bromptons out of town ? I have seen them whizzing down our road but I can't remember seeing one out in the countryside.

I did when away from home as it lived in my car.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry so far and light wind.
I go to get jagged for anti covid and flu shortly. This is being done in the local Scout Hall where there is virtually no parking space
Should be interesting.
The road out of Oban heading north and east was covered in diesel and vehicle were skidding everywhere on the hill with several bends and several written off. This spillage happens often and it is a road I use when over there.
Nobody seems to have been injured tho".
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