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Might have a Min Spy later...

My first pack has landed! Yum.


My dad used to insist on those dimpled pint mugs whenever he went to the pub or got a beer on the cross-channel ferries. He hated the standard straight-sided glasses.
1968 my local well a twenty min walk.It sold double Diamond two bob a pint always with a dimpled glass with a handle,much better than the mild or bitter.We were restricted to less beers in them days.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
My dad used to insist on those dimpled pint mugs whenever he went to the pub or got a beer on the cross-channel ferries. He hated the standard straight-sided glasses.

The usual staff know that I'm only concerned that the hole is at the top. But it was someone new who served me and asked ''Jug or glass?'' The jug was her choice because I'd said I didn't mind.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
1968 my local well a twenty min walk.It sold double Diamond two bob a pint always with a dimpled glass with a handle,much better than the mild or bitter.We were restricted to less beers in them days.

I've actually served a pint of mild for 10p but that was post-decimalisation, 1972. The official price was 12p but Arthur was an old guy, the price had just gone up and, besides, he was the only one who drank mild. (How fresh it was is still a mystery.)


Legendary Member
The physioterrorist is pleased with my progress and I have been given more exercises to do. I think next week will probably be my last session. I was told I can cycle for short distances to begin with. She clarified a short ride as about ten to fifteen minutes. :ohmy: My definition of short ride is about twenty miles!

Some roadworks en-route so good job I had left sufficient time for my journey. The council in their infinite wisdom have set up temporary traffic lights around a completely blind corner.:banghead:I wonder how long before someone gets rear-ended!

Extra time worked up, soup eaten, walk walked (I pushed it to four miles this time and walked at my normal pace), exercises completed, now time to relax.


I remember they did the half pint ones as well. Nice to see the old-style (or at least that's how I think of it) beer mugs still in use.

The sad thing about them is the last factory making them over here closed a few years ago.
They blamed lack of sales finding a real old school pint glass is hard to find too. It’s too often a branded glass or nothing.


Legendary Member
It seems Opera has updated yet again.
The sad thing about them is the last factory making them over here closed a few years ago.
They blamed lack of sales finding a real old school pint glass is hard to find too. It’s too often a branded glass or nothing.

I know a lot of Belgian beers have their own specific glass...

Remember it was a treat going with Dad to the pub as a kid, and getting the half pint mug with lemonade or orange juice, and a bag of pork scratchings. The pub had a cat, and as soon as someone had a bag of pork scratchings, that cat was there, demanding his share!

Those mugs were great for small hands, I struggled to hold the straight sided glasses.
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