Mundane News

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Who’s on the list ?
It was bikes from the 70's to 80's
Claud Butler
Coventry Eagle
Harry Quinn
Unless they included British Eagle as a separate company or listed Reynolds as I can only find 9. I might have miss read the title and it might just have been top British brands. My brain isn't working.
I would have included Freddie Grubb.


Legendary Member
It was bikes from the 70's to 80's
Claud Butler
Coventry Eagle
Harry Quinn
Unless they included British Eagle as a separate company or listed Reynolds as I can only find 9. I might have miss read the title and it might just have been top British brands. My brain isn't working.
I would have included Freddie Grubb.

I've got Raleighs. I've got a Carlton, a Dawes and two Vikings. I sold my Claud.

I've also got a Rudge, a Humber, and two Elswick-Hoppers.


Legendary Member
Good afternoon from a very dark & wet Suffolk - so much for the forecast occasional showers as there's been a lump of heavy rain sat over here for a while. At least I've got a set of emergency waterproofs in my locker in case this continues for anther couple of hours.

No done a lot here at work other than delete a whole bunch of pointless emails, update some case files that expired while I was off, have a couple of mugs of coffee and track a parcel delivery which may by now be getting quite damp if it's not been sent in a plastic bag.
Mild, grey and occasionally drizzly here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well. Got everything ready to cut firewood this afternoon, and have re-jigged the fruit bowls and fridges. Also had to wash one shopping bag after a kiwi fruit squashage incident made it a bit icky. For some reason, I've got the sniffles.

I've also made a start on cataloguing the Superstox photos in my archive. OK, I haven't finished the FF1600 ones, but in order to winkle those last dozen or so out, I've got to go through an entire years' worth of MN. But that's more a job for when I can't do stuff outside because the weather's not co-operating, while the digital files on my laptop, I can do a few here and a few there whenever I've a bit of time to spare. The hard part with the short oval stuff is that I have a lot less information regarding venue and dates compared the the circuit stuff, so there's a lot of seat-of-the-pants guesswork going on when it comes to filing things chronologically. I'm relying largely on the subtle livery changes on the two Higman cars that Paul drove for all but three meetings of his Superstox career.

This afternoon I've got a fair bit of wood to tackle, although it'll probably take me longer to stack the wood in the garage and sweep up and dispose of the sawdust than to actually cut the wood. It's all fairly straightforward pre-trimmed lengths, as I did the donkey work last week when hauling it in.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and SOMEONE wants her chicken...


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I'd been sitting indoors watching the rain for so long that I had to go out when the sun came out. An early pre -dinner pint seemed appropriate. I just paid £3.04 for a pint of bitter. Made me all nostalgic!
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