Mundane News

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We have blue sky and rain clouds around this morning. The ground and cars are wet .
I'm feeling shattered this morning after the long drive in the rain yesterday. Choosing Wednesday to pick up a bike seemed fine at the weekend. My wife said that Dorchester had a market on that day so we could fit in collecting a bike with shopping in the market and a visit to their museum.
It will be back on with the decorating today. I may take a break to clean up the bike a bit.


Legendary Member
I'm upright again, still not feeling particularly flexible but it seems to improve as the day goes on.

Ready to start work for today.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry but cold today so far.
Calmac are mucking about with the timetable again for today so just as well I went shopping yesterday.
My head feels a bit cold after getting shorn yesterday but hopefully it will grow back enough to be respectable for my next trip off. Not that it matters too much as will be wearing a cap anyway in winter.
I go to get bloods done next week so the nurse will probably have a bit of a laugh.

Now I need to get on sorting out the shopping and a trolley load still out in the car.

The pharmacist here tried to sell the business and moved away but the new people only lasted a month before backing off so she is back. Her furniture is in storage in a container in Craignure. A van has been hired and volunteers are needed on Saturday to help load the van for the trip back to Tobermory. Indications are that they will be tripping over each other so many have offered to help and I would myself but I don't think I would be much use.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
  • 09THU
    World Adoption Day
  • 09THU
    British Pudding Day
  • 09THU
    International Day against Fascism and AntiSemitism


Hong Kong
Meanwhile, somewhere in the USA. ^_^

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