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Tried to I get my old VCR DVD-RW working with the new TV. Transpired I had ordered the wrong lead. What had turned up today was one to send a hdmi output to a SCART input, precisely the opposite to what was needed. However discovered the DVD would not open, the first VCR inserted would not play and whilst the second did on ejecting the cassette came out but not the tape.Thinks the household waste site will be it's destination after a dismantling for anything reusable. Normally stacks of useful small screws and bolts at least.
Oh, forgot to mention that my green wheelie bin is out for collection. Not bothered with black bag.


We've just been given a fourth one so we now have a separate one for just paper and cardboard and the other is for cans, plastics, etc. I still can't get a straight answer from anyone about where tetrapaks go as they are predominately cardboard but have plastic too so would contaminate either bin. I'll go for the plastic bin I think. :laugh:
When I was working at our local recycling depot, there were many peculiarities in the 'keep / throw' selecting. According to a senior supervisor who I asked, it's down to 'customer requirements'. :whistle:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
@oldwheels I've found Octopus very good for customer service. When emailed, you get the usual ping-back to say they'll respond within a certain time and it's always been within that time. A few days ago I asked them to just send one bill per month as I was receiving twi due to the new contract starting on the 12th and my readings being sent on the first.
Yep, no problem. Sorted 👍

I know this doesn't help with your OVO problem, though!

Thanks, once I get OVO sorted I will be off probably to octopus.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I’ve been in a dispute with them since migration from SSE. They’re not the best to deal with and that’s being generous!

It would help perhaps if I could speak to somebody at their call centre who I could understand.
Perhaps part of their tactics is to get employees with impenetrable accents. :angry:
Did you not say you had contacted the ombudsman? If so was that of any help?


Legendary Member
It would help perhaps if I could speak to somebody at their call centre who I could understand.
Perhaps part of their tactics is to get employees with impenetrable accents. :angry:
Did you not say you had contacted the ombudsman? If so was that of any help?

They settled around the same time as I opened my case. Call me a cynic, but I think they waited until the last possible moment. I got a phone call earlier today. I am now back in credit and due to get a £100 goodwill payment. Hopefully things will settle down now.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Twelve hour day between travelling, shopping and unpacking. Boat was not too busy and for once the lift side got off early. Dark when we arrived back at Craignure but got behind a fast convoy so a relatively easy run back. First time for months using headlights and I had to relearn fast how to use headlights.
A family of geese had a lucky escape on the way down as they decided to cross the road just round a blind corner. I missed them as they were still on the verge when I passed but they caused some chaos behind I noticed in my mirrors.
Lucky with the barber which was first call as there was parking right outside their door.
McCaigs Traditional Turkish Barber which sounds a bit strange followed by four supermarkets. Now I have to sort out storage and the bag with vegetables and non perishables is still out in the car but can wait till tomorrow.
When I parked at Lidl there was a heavy shower of large hailstones which caused a bit of chaos with people running for shelter.
Further shower of hail after I arrived home.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
They settled around the same time as I opened my case. Call me a cynic, but I think they waited until the last possible moment. I got a phone call earlier today. I am now back in credit and due to get a £100 goodwill payment. Hopefully things will settle down now.

I do indeed have storage heaters but not sure I could stand the upheaval of changing to something else.


Legendary Member
They settled around the same time as I opened my case. Call me a cynic, but I think they waited until the last possible moment. I got a phone call earlier today. I am now back in credit and due to get a £100 goodwill payment. Hopefully things will settle down now.

I do indeed have storage heaters but not sure I could stand the upheaval of changing to something else.

Same here. There’s gas in the street and most people now have gas central heating but I am happy enough with the storage heaters and can’t be bothered with the upheaval of bringing gas into the house and fitting a boiler and radiators. At least if we get a power cut it stays cosy for ages.


Leg End Member
We've just been given a fourth one so we now have a separate one for just paper and cardboard and the other is for cans, plastics, etc. I still can't get a straight answer from anyone about[B[ where tetrapaks go as they are predominately cardboard but have plastic too so would contaminate either bin[/B]. I'll go for the plastic bin I think. :laugh:
And there's 5% aluminium in them as well!


Legendary Member
We've just been given a fourth one so we now have a separate one for just paper and cardboard and the other is for cans, plastics, etc. I still can't get a straight answer from anyone about where tetrapaks go as they are predominately cardboard but have plastic too so would contaminate either bin. I'll go for the plastic bin I think. :laugh:

Tetrapaks go in with the paper and cardboard around here, but that's Stroud, not Perthshire. The council website did give the answer, have you checked your council website?
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Legendary Member
Work completed, gentle walk completed (I may have gone further than the physio probably intended) exercises completed (and they were much easier than last night), muscle rub applied, home made soup consumed, now settled down to another episode of Frost while sitting on my hot water bottle. Things seem more promising than last night.

Whatever type of oil is in the muscle rub is difficult to wash off the hands. You may as well stick your hands in a tin of Castrol LM. I've resorted to Swarfega to get it off my hands.
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