Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Flip. Letter from the Council, they are going to be trialling a wheelie bin for bottles, cans and plastic instead of the silly black boxes which readily blow away. Fine except nowhere neatly to put a third one.

We've just been given a fourth one so we now have a separate one for just paper and cardboard and the other is for cans, plastics, etc. I still can't get a straight answer from anyone about where tetrapaks go as they are predominately cardboard but have plastic too so would contaminate either bin. I'll go for the plastic bin I think. :laugh:
Hamtun recycling collections are actually something our council does well!!! (shock horror! 😂)
Everything goes in one blue lidded Wheeli Bin and the recycling people sort it out. Glass, plastic, paper & card.. In it goes!
We did have plastic crates for each thing but i ended up growing carrots & onolions in mine.
Cool, grey, drizzly and blustery here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but feel a little under the weather. The morning was spent providing a taxi service at the parental's beck and call. Also took a phonecall for her which means I've now got a raft of paperwork to do for her as well. I shall tackle that tomorrow afternoon, as this afternoon's "me time" is non-negotiable. On the flip side, I'll be able to pop to Tesco to print some more photos for my archive.

I will need to re-stock the bins with small wood and kindling later, however. I am SO glad I hauled in that trailer load of firewood yesterday. I'll also go and furkle some fish out of the freezer for tomorrow to go with the pesto I made with the last of my basil.

Was bin day in Littleport this morning - the number of black bags out there was just nuts. I mean people are putting out in a week what it'd take me a couple of years to generate! The mind boggles, truly!

Still a little while to go to luncheon, but I'm getting a wee bit peckish...
Hamtun recycling collections are actually something our council does well!!! (shock horror! 😂)
Everything goes in one blue lidded Wheeli Bin and the recycling people sort it out. Glass, plastic, paper & card.. In it goes!
We did have plastic crates for each thing but i ended up growing carrots & onolions in mine.

ECDC is also excellent when it comes to recycling. Likewise, we only have the one (blue-lidded) wheelie bin into which we wang all our stuff - paper, card, cans, glass, plastic trays and bottles, tetrapacks etc. I make sure everything is clean and washed, as it's courteous towards the people who have to sort it out.

Tesco takes the soft plastics and pet food pouches, so there's a bag in the kitchen for that, and then there's a large box in the garage for the stuff that is recyclable but can't go into the wheelie bin or in the soft plastics bag. When the box is full, I do a tip run.

As I said in my post above, there's not that much that goes into the black bag. I probably only fill one a year, but I don't wait that long as things can get a bit niffy, especially in summer...

Before we got the wheelie bins, only the village proper had boxes for recycling, so BITD, the tip runs were more frequent and I used the recycling containers and bottle banks in town. They always used to be full, and people would just dump their rubbish there, so it wasn't a pleasant experience. Since we all got the wheelie bins, the recycling containers have gone. The only ones left now are the book and clothing banks.




Talk of Recycling bins is timely as things are moving.
Recycling bins was allowed to be a total dogs dinner from the start. Nationally it's set to change from 2026 with core set of recycling requirements. Which for the 1st time will apply to domestic, all businesses and charities/community groups. Paper and card, plastics, cans and bottles. What items will be on the list is not yet published. Weekly food waste collections will also be included.
Different bins or every thing in one will still rest with LA.
It's hoped to stopped/cut down on wish-cycling which is a big growing problem and confusion when on holiday.
The plans are not as good as they need to be and won't fix everything or the over all system. It was planned to make suppliers responsible for waste they make. So what ever you binned in your recycling bin it got processed. But "cost of living"concerns has kicked it down the road.


Just back from the vets where Bonnie needed her ears sorting out..
Much hair has been plucked from deep in her ear canals.
Much yelping was heard from the nurses room.

Know all about ear issues become a consent issue with our last dog. In the end due to so much scar tissue in his ear he needed an op to re-root his ear canal. Charlie has bad ear too and like billy it's part of his skin condition. Having tried lot of stuff over the years. Some months ago we tried ear care range and it's proved great at keeping things nice and clean.
They do a shampoo range too which has really help his skin issues.


Vice Admiral
Hamtun recycling collections are actually something our council does well!!! (shock horror! 😂)
Everything goes in one blue lidded Wheeli Bin and the recycling people sort it out. Glass, plastic, paper & card.. In it goes!
We did have plastic crates for each thing but i ended up growing carrots & onolions in mine.

:laugh: I can imagine you looking the second one of those crates and saying "oh look! Lion cubs"


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Know all about ear issues become a consent issue with our last dog. In the end due to so much scar tissue in his ear he needed an op to re-root his ear canal. Charlie has bad ear too and like billy it's part of his skin condition. Having tried lot of stuff over the years. Some months ago we tried ear care range and it's proved great at keeping things nice and clean.
They do a shampoo range too which has really help his skin issues.

Thanks for the link. I'll check it out 👍
Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with polish sausage, one with goats cheese, plus an orange, a banana and the obligatory two :cuppa:

All the wood bins in the house have been filled, and I took a pack with two salmon fillets out of the freezer. Also took out a pack with two pork steaks - those will be nice braised with apple, onion and mustard.

Now sat pulling out photos from a bunch of stuff I scanned a fair while back and watching The Repair Shop
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