Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Today's 73 plate truck has a miniscule 13516 kilometres on the odometer.


And so the ebike headed to Sainsburys. Stacks of the said veg but then at that price not surprising. Still needs must.

The sunny afternoon meant stacks of walkers. Normal should I pass problem with one who failed to acknowledge me approaching, Elsewhere a group were spread across the path, one moved apologising but they were actually the only one on the correct part of the path.

In between, pondering do I stay on the road or use the cycle path was quickly resolved by the enormous puddle on the road and the pedestrian crossing that the cycle path leads to changed in its favour so quickly back on road.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I did try to get out cycling but the weather defeated me.
About midday looked out to check and looked ok with sunshine and nothing ominous so got kitted up and started to unload the trike when black clouds came in from the SW and it stared pouring with really heavy rain. Showers then continued all afternoon so just gave up.
To give some idea of the reason for ferry problems I will put up a photo showing the small ferry we currently have and the big one which was our main ferry for years.

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