Mundane News

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Legendary Member
I renewed my library book loan using their online account thing.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Since it was a nice windless day decided to take a trip down to Loch na Keal but the low sun made the trip down a bit of a nightmare.
The time is fast approaching where triking becomes dangerous on the roads due to low sun. Need to take a serious look at some off road routes.
The head of the loch is in shade at this time of year but further down seawards the mountans are mostly far enough back to let the sun in.
I expected it to be quiet and there was indeed not much moving traffic. Every parking space however had cars and people mostly with binocs and cameras with lenses a couple of feet in length looking for the infernal flying predators. There was a significant lack of normal birdlife to be seen as only one solitary oyster catcher was seen. There are allegations that this is due to sea eagles.
I fancied a toilet stop but could not find anywhere which was not overlooked by at least a couple of cars.
Difficult to cross legs on a trike.:blush:


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Bonnie needs her flea & tick tablet today.

Cassie had hers yesterday. Don't know what they taste of but she loves them.

Which one do you use ?
Thinking of changing over to one be more practical with all the baths Charlie needs to have.

Cassie has Easecto & Milbeworm for worms. Both chewable & both from the vet on Cassie's plan.
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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
This one thought it would be a shopper special
View attachment 711211

Teenage girl studying her phone.

{I see others have noticed, I'll plump for her not noticing the crash just behind her}}
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