Mundane News

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Leg End Member
A mild, grey and murky day here chez Casa Reynard, with very little hint of a breeze.

Slept well after yesterday's exertions (overslept tbh) and have had a quiet morning doing various small tasks that needed attending to. I shall be having a bit of a kitchen afternoon, as there's apple pie to be made, and I also need to clear up the last few things from the weekend. Namely lobbing stuff back into the garage that included a folding chair (that never got used as I was way too busy), a flatbed trolley and a large holdall.

It is almost time for luncheon. Madam Lexi is outside. I shall call her in shortly, so she can have her chicken.
I'm back from a ride with my friends. I am shattered . The weather turned out brighter than we expected. The sun is shinning brightly and we have blue sky at the moment. We did 20 miles.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Yes, it keeps telling me to save things to a SD card. Is that like a mini memory stick, external to the phone?

All I need to do is to make phone calls (usually in emergencies only) and take a few photos.

As long as it isn't an iPhone it will probably take a micro SD card, about the size of a finger nail. Photos can take up quite a lot of room.

{editing went awry}
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Vice Admiral
As long as it isn't an iPhone it will probably take a SD card, about the size of a finger nail. Photos can take up quite a lot of room.

I tried to get the back off the phone to investigate but failed. I will take the phone to the Mobile Phone shop on the High Street tomorrow. They might fit it for me, or a neighbour is good with electronic thingybobs and he could help. Obvs I do not want to damage the phone.
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