Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Since yesterday I've had no broadband as the fibre optic was cut off due to a new supplier. This morning they installed the new equipment and I'm back online.

However, the new router only has one output socket meaning we can have an Internet output OR a phone line working at one time. That takes me back to dial-up in 1996 :blink: and I thought things were supposed to be 'progressing'. Ah well, new automatic network splitter ordered and it should be here shortly.


Yes, it could be long covid. As I understand it, Doctors are reluctant to diagnose long covid, as technically there is no remedy/cure for that.

Though it's true in the early days many Dr's completely dismissed the whole idea. Now it's not so much reluctant as it's formally recognised , has formal treatment guidelines and even it's own clinical coding. The issue is as with many conditions that present in a wide number of ways. You 1st have to rule out every thing else 1st. A formal test for long covid is in the works but not any time soon.
As it happens two leading experts who've done lot of work on long covid from the start gave joint evidence to the covid inquiry this week.


Legendary Member
My working week is done.:dance:

Been to the shop for some groceries and bits and pieces. They seem to be sold out of green apples so I had to buy red apples. I wonder if I can stand the excitement!

Finished off the last of my vegetable soup.

I'm not sure what I will do tomorrow. I will wait and see the what the weather looks like as it is forecast to be pretty stormy.


Legendary Member
After nearly a year, traffic lights have finally gone from outside.:becool:

They've put (permanent) traffic lights on a busy roundabout here and Tuesday was the "live" date. There has been so much fuss in the local rag and on Facebook by people predicting basically the end of civilisation as we know it with endless tailbacks and accidents galore predicted. The council has even published diagrams explaining how to use the roundabout! I would argue that anyone who can't figure out how to use traffic lights or negotiate a perfectly normal roundabout should not have a drivers licence in the first place.

A local councillor was saying this evening that because people are afraid to use the roundabout, they are taking different routes to avoid it and causing congestion in other parts of town.

I don't usually use that road but I might take the car out tomorrow to see what all the fuss is about!


Been a lovely warm bright day mostly though the off on showers meant finding a happy jacket and light jumper combo. Not a simple task at times it got a bit too warm but too wet for no jacket.
Tomorrow looks a right off as the storm moves in have to see what it brings. My barometer has been doing a fair bit of moving as the weather system moves in.
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