Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Hoekje spelen is like hide and go seek, thus saith the internut.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
It's time to test your eyesight.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
There are 2 linkspans in Oban for ferry use. The sampan as many call it [ MV Loch Frisa} has only one working engine so because of the bad weather they cannot move it off the berth.
This means the MV Isle of Mull cannot get in to load so all services are cancelled. The Outer Isles boat will be on the other linkspan and the obvious solution would be to shift it and let our boat get loaded. Too obvious for Calmac.
My subscription for text warnings of ferries had indeed time expired so that is now renewed.
Some of the trials of island life but there are compensations.

When I came home on Tuesday I went to check my bins and found them empty. Neighbours had put them out and returned them when empty which was good of them.


Hong Kong


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It's been a very mild but very soggy morning here chez Casa Reynard, but now the sun has come out.

Slept really well. Spent the morning tidying up the shopping, doing a load of laundry and rounding up the majority of the gubbins that I will need for Saturday.

Lovely luncheon of a chicken and avocado sandwich (Madam Lexi had some of the chicken), an apple, an orange and two :cuppa:

Now I need to go and hang the laundry up - in the bathroom, outside is too much of a gamble - and retrieve my large blue holdall from the garage and give it a bit of a wipe down.

Oh, and this morning's excitement was a bird (male Great Tit) in the utility room. He must've flown in while mum was doing some stuff there earlier. She didn't notice, but I'm like wondering why there're bird poops on the ironing board. I finally managed to persuade him to fly out of the door after a fair bit of trying to get through closed windows.
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