Mundane News

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Some of you have seen (and kindly responded to) my thread elsewhere about setting up a trainer. October sometimes sees the 'haze' season in Singapore. Subsistence farmers in Sumatra and Kalimantan burn foliage to clear land for planting, and the smoke 'haze' drifts over the sea, depending on prevailing winds. Not much haze for several years in Singapore, but worse for a few days last month, usually just when I wanted to ride! So the trainer will come in handy I think.

It's remarkable that a high tech, global city like Singapore is so close to an area of subsistence farming that it can be affected by the haze.


Itching to get back on my bike's
It was amazing that he had a quiet night sleeping on our bed. It was a bit awkward sleeping diagonally across the bed .

Bit like a bolster then
It's amazing how much space they take up when they stretch out. I only have one small Siamese but she still seems to take up half the bed. I sometimes have to gently push her over a bit.

It was a case of trying to get a bit more room bit not to wake him otherwise he would want me to take him downstairs. Amazingly I can't remember having to get up in the night like I usually do . He did come and wake me up at 10 past 6 wanting his breakfast.
We watched a programme the other night about the film footage of Big Foot which was taken back in the 70's. It was very interesting. They had worked on what copies of the film that they could find as the original had been lost . They had 2 experts to give their views of the film once it had been enhanced. One expert was from the film industry who made actors resemble animals . He pointed out several things which couldn't be replicated by using a fur costume . One thing was in how the muscles in the legs moved when the creature walked . He also pointed out how that creature's foot also flexed. I found it very interesting!
Personally I've always thought that it was genuine by the way in which the creature walked , a bit like a normal human. If it was a fake they would have made it walk more exaggerated like an ape .
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