Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Trying to imagine how cyclists would "sort someone out" I'm guessing we send a group who sit in the living room and explain about cycle infrastructure, with powerpoint slides.

Or worse, H*lm*ts...
I'm thinking something like this, but with a frame pump instead of the baseball bat
Tesco tescoed. I have a suitable quantity of bread, milk, butter, pork pie, mortadella, tangerines, bananas and crisps.

Had to blow dry my hair as I got absolutely drenched whilst taking the stuff for the fridge from the car to the utility room. Left the rest of the groceries in the car and will deal with them in the morning.

Chilli & rice for supper.

Now sat by the fire in the company of the cat.
Just been boning up on my stewarding duties for Saturday as my paperwork finally arrived via email. Am going to be busy, as each judge now only has one steward instead of two or three. At least the exhibitors bring their own cats to the judging ring - which wasn't the case in the past, although it's inevitable that I'll be sent cat retrieving at some point because exhibitors haven't kept track of which classes are being judged.

So this one woman band will be cleaning cat pens between classes, running results to the table, sorting out rosettes and judge critiques for each exhibitor and generally keeping the judging ring more or less floating above the surface. In past Supremes I've largely been a cat wrangler when stewarding, with another steward doing the paperwork, so it's a lot to keep straight.

I'm stewarding for a lovely lady for whom I've stewarded in the past, but she's never judged at the Supreme before (the cat version of Crufts), and I've never handled the admin for a whole ring on my own. Fingers crossed neither of us will fall flat on our faces. My judge is also doing Best of Variety for Section 6 i.e. Siamese & Orientals. Fortunately I have stewarded in BoV at the Supreme before, so that's at least something.

On the flip side, I'll get to cuddle some fabulous cats. I love handling Siamese and Orientals as they're so interactive - the conversationalists of the cat world.


Senior Member
Some of you have seen (and kindly responded to) my thread elsewhere about setting up a trainer. October sometimes sees the 'haze' season in Singapore. Subsistence farmers in Sumatra and Kalimantan burn foliage to clear land for planting, and the smoke 'haze' drifts over the sea, depending on prevailing winds. Not much haze for several years in Singapore, but worse for a few days last month, usually just when I wanted to ride! So the trainer will come in handy I think.
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