Mundane News

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Day in the office and a non stop ride on the ebike there and and only a solitary pause on the return. Exiting the office gate on the return a fanfare should have struck up as the ebike passed 60,000ft of elevation so far this year


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Windy and mostly wet day but took the car out for a short spin as it has not moved for more than two weeks. Started first turn no bother but handbrake stuck slightly when moving off.
Conspicuous lack of pedestrians but the mobile cinema is due so a large area coned off in the car park.
The marina was virtually empty and a few empty moorings as well. When we first came here the bay would be completely empty of boats afloat by now as all were pulled up ashore. Having a boat afloat in winter was a worry in bad weather as moorings could break under the heavy loads.
In my scuba diving days I was asked to inspect moorings sometimes and was often horrified at the dangerous state of some. I condemned a few and told the owners in no uncertain terms if they were in bad condition. Surprisingly some just ignored the advice and were surprised when their boat went walkabout tho’ all admitted they had been warned. I got no payment for doing this favour so there was no possibility of blame towards me.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
It's filthy out. So I put it back in again to be on the safe side.
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