Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Lunchtime stroll completed under nice warm conditions


Opted for the bus to the hospital for the delayed X ray. Took as long as walking due to the connecting bus being cancelled; something of a surprise to the driver waiting to take it over. Presumably the normal traffic chaos twix Harrogate and Knaresborough playing havoc with keeping to time and it's always far worse on a Friday.
Warm, bright and breezy here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well in spite of the ongoing heffalumps. Have had a quiet morning working on some writing. I will not be doing any tidying up in the garage later as I've got to take the parental to book her flu & covid jabs, and I then want a putter around the community orchard.

I have now catalogued 130 photos across the 1989 and 1990 seasons. I still have a few stragglers to deal with as well as adding extra references for those images that have been used multiple times. Then I shall begin tackling 1988.

But first, it is time for luncheon.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Getting nearer to the weekend


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I think it's always outside - in

The thing to remember at posh restaurants, it doesn't matter, you are the diner & what you do is right.

If they turn their nose up at you, they're not posh, just pretentious.

You use your cutlery from the outside inwards. Except for the dessert course, whose cutlery is at the top of the place setting.

They should always move your desert cutlery to the sides after the main course.
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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
not to rush you, but still sticking w/ just the 1? we are still on pause. our Son & his girlfriend, however, are closing in on a new kitten, we think. Wifey, who still has online access to his account, saw that he spent $150 at a pet store & they don't even have a pet yet! what on Earth are they buying for $150, for might be a very tiny animal? that's a lot of cat chow & litter!

Fish tank?


Legendary Member
Good afternoon from a surprisingly sunny Leeds given that the rain radar seems to have it constantly wet just to the west.

Stopped off for lunch and a pint before booking into the hotel and a pricing error let me order a pint & a (small) pizza for just £5.50 :ohmy:. I had to order a 2nd one later on just to confirm it was true - good job I was hungry.


Leg End Member
Good afternoon from a surprisingly sunny Leeds given that the rain radar seems to have it constantly wet just to the west.

Stopped off for lunch and a pint before booking into the hotel and a pricing error let me order a pint & a (small) pizza for just £5.50 :ohmy:. I had to order a 2nd one later on just to confirm it was true - good job I was hungry.
T'is headed in your direction, don't worry.
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