Mundane News

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It's Mrs 73 last day at her current work place she formally hands early afternoon. I'm expecting her to be in a bits when she get's in.
Last nights leaving do was bad enough she's going to be missed. It's one of the best placers and team she's worked with. They've been really nice to her. It's allowed her head room to get back on the level post the covid madness.But she's taken the service to the max and she's no more head room in her role. It's going to be odd going back to unsocial hours and weekends mid week. Then again we never really got use to life without it.


Vice Admiral
Good morning. The Pink Elephant has left in a huff and the fluffy clouds have, well thinned sufficiently to let me get back to work. Now I have to try and remember what the h*ll I was trying to do when I gave up and went to bed...

How did the Elephant get down from the wardrobe? :scratch: :unsure:
But really, I'd prefer an older cat as opposed to a kitten.
I hear that. been thinking about it myself. our mature cats we're settled & we could leave them for the day (or even several days w a cat-sitter coming every day) but a new kitten would require & deserve lots of attention & dare I say training, maybe it's "acclimation" or "socialization". I'm guessing acquiring an older cat, after an adjustment period, would just settle in, once it was comfortable w/ the new territory
It's Mrs 73 last day at her current work place she formally hands early afternoon. I'm expecting her to be in a bits when she get's in.
Last nights leaving do was bad enough she's going to be missed. It's one of the best placers and team she's worked with. They've been really nice to her. It's allowed her head room to get back on the level post the covid madness.But she's taken the service to the max and she's no more head room in her role. It's going to be odd going back to unsocial hours and weekends mid week. Then again we never really got use to life without it.
awww congratulations to her!

time & distraction will help. got a get-away planned?
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