Mundane News

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So it looks like the 3rd time in a year our gas smart meter has stopped working again.
See if I can get though to someone tomorrow and get them to fix it. :banghead:
Had a lovely lunch of a cheese & tomato chutney sandwich, a Thoday's Quarrenden apple, some raspberries and two :cuppa:

Watered all of the assorted pots, planters and tomatoes, then took the parental to book her covid & flu jabs. She booked jabs for both her and me, but on the one day that I can't do, as I'm stewarding at the Supreme. So she goes back to change it, but that's the last (and only) day the surgery has available.

Feck. It's not our fault, as we had to wait a month after catching covid as per the guidelines.

So I go in to try and salvage things. No, the surgery has no other dates except for the one that clashes with the Supreme, but the on-site pharmacy (Lloyds) offers both jabs. So I went to speak with a lovely lady in there, explained the situation regarding our having had covid, and mum and I are now on their waiting list for both jabs. Basically they need to get enough people on their list before ordering in the vaccines to avoid wastage.

I've also been advised to book an alternative online. So not entirely sorted, but better than nowt.

Mum and I went to the community orchard on the way home, and w picked half a basket of the last of the Barnack Beauty (the rest are too tiddly to make it worth bothering with) and topped up the basket with the first of the Cockett's Red.

Now sat down and listening to the F1 qualifying from Losail.
The house smells of apples.

I did buy a pack of puff pastry in Tesco last week. I think I shall make some apple Danish. Might add some blueberries, as I have a couple of punnets still knocking around in the fridge...


Postman has just arrived at the smartest airbnb every.Right near Edinburgh Botanical Gardens.This place is smarter than my own home.

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