Mundane News

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Leg End Member
The man from Octopus is in the loft with his measuring tape
He'll not be short handed then.
Why would he be picking up hedgehogs in the evenings?

Perhaps to eat it for supper ! It's far too long a story for here but my father told me that when he was a boy , the gypsies showed him how to kill and then cover the hedgehog in clay and bake it on the remains of a fire on hot stones. The clay bakes hard and when it is knocked off , the spines /skin comes away leaving tasty (he said) meat ....hotchi-witchi . By the way if you pick up a healthy live hedgehog be prepared to end up covered with fleas 🪳


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dampish day but if still on two wheels I would have been out doing a bit of off road but I do not like getting the trike wet. Too much fabric to get soggy inside the car.
Power washed bit of my front path which was getting very slippery with damp moss on top of concrete. Check again tomorrow to see how much if any improvement there is.
A boy about 10 or 11 years old has been around for a while with a home made buggy converted to pedal power. Noticed him recently with what looks like eassist on it now.
No idea who he is but must stop and ask as I probably know whoever did the conversion.

Brown's Ironmonger has been a local feature for many years and they stock an amazing range of goods and will get or at least try to get anything reasonable you want. The shop has been run down a bit recently but last year was taken over by a descendent of the original owners and today is their official first birthday. They keep all kinds of statistics about the shop and one which some think is underestimated concerns enquiries about Tobermory Cat who gets fed by them, hangs around that area and lies in the sunshine on top of any handy cars. They claim 729 enquiries in the past year.


Leg End Member
Perhaps to eat it for supper ! It's far too long a story for here but my father told me that when he was a boy , the gypsies showed him how to kill and then cover the hedgehog in clay and bake it on the remains of a fire on hot stones. The clay bakes hard and when it is knocked off , the spines /skin comes away leaving tasty (he said) meat ....hotchi-witchi . By the way if you pick up a healthy live hedgehog be prepared to end up covered with fleas 🪳
Showed that method to a bunch of Venture Scouts years ago, on their first night on site. They never tried any of it for some reason, nor did they want any other raw meat to cook that weekend.

No live hedgehogs were harmed in the above demonstration.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Drizzling again.
Had a lovely luncheon of a chicken sandwich, an apple, a pear and two :cuppa:

Finished the stuff for the curry, and it's been simmering away all afternoon. Smells absolutely amazing and it's been a great way of using up some very tired-looking veg.

Then spent the rest of the afternoon working on the archive database. I've turned up more images from 1990 than I thought I had, and I've yet to scan stuff from a bunch of programmes and magazines that I went through yesterday evening.

Based on this, I suspect that my estimate for the overall number of images in my archive is probably going to be somewhat conservative. It will be really interesting to see where I end up topping out in the end.

Now enjoying a nice :cuppa:
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