Mundane News

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Legendary Member
There's someone trying to sell a garden shed on the local Facebook buy and sell page. Judging by the pictures, the only good thing I can say about it is that it would be easy to take apart. Just give it a push and it would fall in bits.


Just an early warning, I have a fasting blood test tomorrow morning at 09:15 so I'll be grumpy until after I've had a very late breakfast..


When I had to do a fasting blood test I thought I'd distract myself by going for a run. I obviously hadn't given it sufficient thought as my route took me past the chip shop, Indian Restaurant and Chinese takeaway🤔 Oh, those enticing aromas drifting on the wind...


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Question for those that might do surveys more than myself.

You're presented with a survey on how living with something affects your day to day life. The questions are worded to reflect the survey title, and the aims.

After the survey is closed, the scope of the survey is changed and the answers given are used to support the new survey.

If you're answering within the scope of the original aims, would your answers have been different if you were answering the revised survey?



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Generally overcast with blinks of sunshine so far this morning. Never seems a good idea to forecast the day's weather too early.

Nothing planned for today but might try a vain search for car insurance.
My renewal quote this year is £990. Yes nine hundred and ninety pounds. That is an increase of about 25% over last year.
The annoying thing is I have a clean record for the last 20 years when my van was thumped head on by an Army Cadet minibus who came round a blind corner on a single track road too fast to stop before hitting my van. I was not even moving at the point of impact so it was recorded on the police report as no blame on my part apart from just being there.
Everything goes well on the quote until they reach my date of birth when they do virtual cartwheels back and refuse to go any further.
It is now raining so off for coffee.


Leg End Member
Good morning. Cool in the apartment today.

Tomorrow is a public holiday so a lot of clients have been given today off as well. Of the rest several will probably be "sick".

Quiet day for the staff...
Is that last part wishful thinking on your part. You can tidy your desk, once you've cleaned the place looking for it. Catch up on paperwork you've been putting off, presuming you haven't thrown it whilst tidying up.
And generally spruce the place up before offering your help to others.


Leg End Member
Are you picking up any Hedgehogs ? Ours don't seem to be coming out in the evenings now .
Why would he be picking up hedgehogs in the evenings?
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