Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I've settled on tables in a word document (one for each year / segment nominally), with the photos listed chronologically like they are in my archive proper, rather than by file name as they are on my laptop. When I say chronologically, that'll be the date the image was originally taken, not the date on which I acquired it.

The tables also contain all the other info like venue, event, photographer, whether there are other versions of the same image, where it's been published and when, where I got it from, who else is in the picture etc. In a weird way, it's almost like the Exif data embedded in a digital photograph.

As you say, it's time-consuming and painstaking work (including generating the image thumbnails), but my fault really for putting it off for so long.

Just make sure you do not put more than one type of information in each column! It would then be easy to convert it into a database. I once had to convert a spreadsheet into a database which used colours within cells to indicate different types of data. It was interesting!
Is that last part wishful thinking on your part. You can tidy your desk, once you've cleaned the place looking for it. Catch up on paperwork you've been putting off, presuming you haven't thrown it whilst tidying up.
And generally spruce the place up before offering your help to others.

Dude, how'd you get hold of my "to do" list?
Warm and overcast here, with rain incoming for this afternoon.

Slept really well, and have had a bit of a kitchen morning, converting another load of tomatoes into the base for a nice veggie curry. It's not any particular type of curry, more like a "go through the cupboards and use up random stuff" kind of curry. This meant that the last sachet of creamed coconut has also been added to the contents of the crock pot. I normally use cans of coconut milk, but I don't want to be adding extra liquid to this on on account of all the tomatoes.

This afternoon will require a bit more veg prep, and then I plan on working on my archive. At least I won't need to water my tomato plants if the forecast is correct.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Just started to drizzle in Numpton
Just make sure you do not put more than one type of information in each column! It would then be easy to convert it into a database. I once had to convert a spreadsheet into a database which used colours within cells to indicate different types of data. It was interesting!

Thumbnails in one column, all the text in the other, in order to keep the portrait orientation for the paper. Although if I switched to landscape on the paper, I could then put each information category in its own column.

Right now, I'm just concentrating on getting all the images listed, and then I can always fine-tune things later. Ideally I want a format that is also suitable for printing.
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