Mundane News

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Anyways, tea drunked. Early one for me.

Nunnight one and all xxx :hello:


Legendary Member
The BRM V16 revs to 14,000
Not really 'road legal' though.

On another note I've never heard anything like my former next door neighbours Impreza, it was louder at tickover than when it was revving, I reckon it was due to the Turbocharger not spooling up yet, as soon as the revs went up it sort of went 'whoosh' but at idle it used to rattle the windows and of course it did the normal 'Scooby' trick of continuing to run until the engine thought it was cool enough to stop so he could get out, lock the car, go indoors whilst it sat there throbbing away to itself til the engine stopped and then the 'beep' as the alarm set itself.


Itching to get back on my bike's
There's a serious lack of daylight now in the morning.

Certainly prefer the lighter morning's my self
Dry but grey skies


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
The boy racers are out cruising again. I really have to wonder how many times you could drive around the same small circuit in a ridiculously noisy car before you would go nuts.

Last Wednesday, admittedly whilst going round Manchester velodrome, I worked out I've probably done more than 10,000 laps of a track over the past six years.

I must be nuts as I'm in Derby this evening doing the same.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wet and windy again but not quite gale force.
Don't know whether it still happens but the police in Aberdeen tolerated or even encouraged a weekly meet of Boy Racers at the Beach Boulevard. Only once weekly tho' and any infringement was not tolerated. There was a recent event where apparently about 200 appeared and chaos ensued. Lots of tickets issued.
A local is selling two ebikes and has posted photos of them. Various responses but one is "any pictures please".
Many of those who post on our local pages of course do not live here but they always know better than those who do.
One is coming to visit for one night in October and wants the nearest Italian restaurant within walking distance. The wags have a field day with that.
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