Mundane News

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At work. A customer has returned a bike over the weekend, because it had a puncture. It looks like they tried to repair the puncture and broke the chain in the process.

So then they returned it to us in the assumption we'll repair it for free...


Legendary Member
Can I ask a question about the Rugby? (No danger of spoilers.)

In the "break" in the first half, one player had a bag of ice cubes on the back of his neck. Would that make you feel hotter, as the body detects the cold and then tries to warm you up?

Nothing to do with heat, he'd have picked up a neck injury not unusual in Rugby.


Very hot & sticky down at Brands Hatch today with some good racing. The good thing about Brands is that due to the woodland setting there's plenty of shade from the sun - if you can find the space to wedge yourself in among all the others trying to take advantage of the shade. Unlike Snetterton last year on the hottest day of the year where there was a complete absence of cover.

Unless things change tomorrow morning, I'm going to take advantage of the last day of this spell of good weather and take the train out to Ely, ride back as far as Stowmarket and then stop for lunch & drinks before getting back on the train home. Why don't Greater Anglia sell a reduced rate return ticket where you only use part of the return leg?

If I venture on the local train network ( South Western Rail ) the return fare is ofter just 10p more than the single


Legendary Member
Looks like a nice, bright start for my last 1/2 day on Islay.

Breakfast consumed, now time to pack up and wonder why luggage always seems to expand when you unpack at your destination.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
According to the forecast it should be raining but in fact it is bright sunshine just now. May not last tho'.
Need to work out how to get my current defunct washing machine out through narrow doorways with furniture in the way as well without damaging any paintwork or wallpaper.
The one I have ordered is very slightly smaller in a couple of dimensions so should be able to get it indoors when it arrives.
The delivery company were pretty helpful when they delivered a new freezer so getting it in may be done by them.
Nothing planned for today apart from a few phone calls for appointments.
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