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Hong Kong


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If they want me to self-scan then I should be getting a discount.
Sainsbury's ones do on selected items, if you have a Nectar card. Hence use there's but no one else's. One thing they are useful for is checking the price on an item when it's not wholly clear for some reason. Easy to cancel the purchase if you decide against.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Bright sunny morning with light winds and I can hardly believe the forecast which says this should stay for a week.
Today is pill sorting and ordering day for the next week. We were advised by the pharmacist to always have a month's supply of medication in stock due to possible supply difficulties so my stock is always kept up to date.

There is a broken down bus at Pennyghael about 40 miles away. It has been abandoned by the owners who so far have ignored requests to remove it and apparently it would cost the local council too much money to do this themselves.
Wags suggest turning it into a Bus Pod and renting it to touroid for £100 pp per night. Cheap at that price.
My wife did supply teaching and had a week commuting to the small school there. Eighty plus miles per day on single track roads. :ohmy:
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