Mundane News

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summer over? I don't like socks, I don't like shoes, I don't like long pants
Cool and grey here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept really well (overslept). Have had a quiet morning doing some general puttering around. I've also picked a large box full of tomatoes. My salad tomatoes are ripening well - Shirley is the earliest, and the Moneymakers are coming on nicely too. The Alicantes seem to be a bit later. I've also got some Beefsteak tomatoes to pick, but I've got to dismantle the supports first.

The fruit has grown through the wigwam of canes and has become wedged. If there was a class in a show for the weirdest-shaped tomato, I think I'd win it hands down.

I've had to reach for a jumper, as it is decidedly autumnal here.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.


Leg End Member

Think they may just be covering themselves, an each way bet.


Vice Admiral
i had to agonise over this purchase.being a true Yorkshireman i had to balance out the cost of the shoes over £100,will i get good value out of them,seeing as how i could be really ill,and i might pop my clogs before i wear them down.

Walking is a good way to recover from most illnesses. A good comfortable pair of shoes will, I think, be very useful to you. In other words look on the Bright Side.


I wore smart DM's with steel caps when I worked as a receptionist. My goodness I was glad I was wearing them when a lady in a motorised wheelchair ran over my foot one day...

My dad use to wear his safety boots when he went to the market on busy days. He was sick of having old women with the pull along shopping trolleys running over his foot. He bent the odd axle along the way he enjoyed getting his own back.
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