Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Yesterday someone asked me where I got a wine. I replied ''They're stocked by Sainsbury's.'' My phone changed this to ''They're stocked by Satanists.'' Rereading should be done before hitting send....
Do they do wine from the devils cellar?


Mrs P and young Miss P are having a late night cleaning and emptying the room in the flat down the road.Mrs P wants it all done tonight,so Miss p can walk away,and it leaves one less place to worry about,it might be a late finish.This old fart is just sitting quietly recovering from the biopsy.Tomorrow is an Ikea day but not for Postman more rest.


A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
My mate's taxi didn't turn up on time to take him and his family to Gatwick this morning.

He texted me asking if I was at home. This was at 7.30am. I didn't notice the message till 9.30am.

Luckily, he'd rang the cab firm and they'd sent a replacement driver, so no harm done in the end.

Can't get much more mundane than that, can you?

Oh; maybe you can. I just noticed I had £2.51 in a Coral betting account, so I've done a 20p ew Trixie and a 25p ew treble to empty it.

Total return from my bets; £0.00.


Legendary Member
I must be mad - I've offered to do an extra day this week due to a staff shortage on Friday. On the other hand I get to take another day off at a later date and I think it may have to be Thursday 7th September. It's pure coincidence that that's the day Tour of Britain starts & finishes in Felixstowe and is followed by my normal four days off, three days holiday and another four day weekend.


Legendary Member
send an email home? post-it note? write note on back of your hand?
Read this and put the pack of coffee under the office keys & pass card on the kitchen table.

The other option would be to put it on the bike saddle, but I won't decide which bike I'm using to commute on until I look out of the window in the morning and see if it's raining or not.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Black general waste bin is kerbside awaiting the arrival of the mothership
Bin day tomorrow. Should be recycling (blue bin) and black bag, but haven't bothered as there's not enough in either. The blue bin for general recycling (everything* except for soft plastics) is actually black with a blue lid, and likewise, our green bin for garden / kitchen waste is black with a green lid. Non-recyclable waste goes in a black bag.

* cans, tin foil, glass, paper, cardboard, tetrapaks, plastic food trays, milk bottles and yoghurt tubs
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