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Leg End Member
I was mostly just reeling at the Smarties comment to be fair (😆), but I've rarely had a problem with self check - out, unless there is a genuine problem with the machine.
Certainly at Asda, there are two possible beams, so if one doesn't work, there is another at a different angle entirely.

Either usually works.
It's multiple beams at a number of angles, to catch the barcode "square on".
I've done a morning's chopping, pruning and cleaning. Son no. 2 & a housemate worked hard as well.

Patio cleaned and weeded, front garden done, old rubbish mostly into my car although there's at least one more car-load. 300ltr compost bin built and filled - I reckon there's about 8-10 bins worth of brambles/nettles/branches still to clear so it'll be a long job. It's just been chopped/cut and piled up for years but there's a really nice garden space under all the detritus.

We reached the end of the garden on one side, where there's a gate and shed plus lovely house behind. Only the access is via the left side and we'd gone down the right.

Either way the outside looks much nicer, with no rubbish/broken glass/sharps left. Lots of other broken items were found/spotted as we worked, with any we could reach collected. The rest we'll get to. The trolleys are going back to Tesco later and the inside being cleaned this evening.

all ready for the keggers to move in ...


Legendary Member
Good evening from a still quite warm Suffolk. One of those days where work's not ben overly busy but steady enough to keep me occupied all day. Nice piece of yellow stickering with some possible pricing errors at the main CoOp in Felixstowe whene I stopped on the way home intending to just get a loaf of bread and some eggs - they had the big packs of lemon/lime & berry TicTacs at just 45p, salted caramel Club bar multipacks of 7 at 55p and orange or white KitKat multipacks of 9 x 2 finger bars at 55p as well. As they all had plenty of time left before the 'best before' date, my chocolate snack cupboard has been re-stocked and there's also some for the biscuit tin at work.
I will need to have a look at Wiggy #2's rear gears before my next bicycular bimble. They've started jumping around, either not shifting unless I click twice on the trigger shifters, or else shifting several cogs in one go with just the one click. It's pot luck what I get.

Think I will put the chain on the big ring at the front and the small sprocket at the rear, then release the cable for the RD before nipping it up again. Guess a good clean and lube won't harm either.
Good evening from a still quite warm Suffolk. One of those days where work's not ben overly busy but steady enough to keep me occupied all day. Nice piece of yellow stickering with some possible pricing errors at the main CoOp in Felixstowe whene I stopped on the way home intending to just get a loaf of bread and some eggs - they had the big packs of lemon/lime & berry TicTacs at just 45p, salted caramel Club bar multipacks of 7 at 55p and orange or white KitKat multipacks of 9 x 2 finger bars at 55p as well. As they all had plenty of time left before the 'best before' date, my chocolate snack cupboard has been re-stocked and there's also some for the biscuit tin at work.

End of line possibly, or overstock I'd imagine. Either way, not to be sniffed at. :becool:
I know the KitKats won't last long at work based on previous experience.

A friend says the same about the vets at which she works, namely that there's a good flock of biskit vultures.

Very useful when I bought a large bag of Lebkuchen in Tesco but only ate one because they were MUCH too sweet. Gave the rest to her to take to work, and she said they all vanished in about half an hour!
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