Mundane News

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Was up in Blakeney last week; the 'jewel of the Norfolk coast' :laugh:. As usual in the tourist season, the car park was full at the time and a sizeable 'A' board at the entrance to said car park clearly indicated so.
I record the following.
A woman drove up and expected to park there. The attendant indicated the 'A' board and said the car park was full.
The woman replied 'I'm a member of the National Trust'.
'The car park is still full' replied the attendant.
'I'm a Blue Card holder' responded the woman.
'The car park is still full' said the attendant.
'F**k off' said the woman as she drove off in high dudgeon.
Hmm. :whistle:


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
@deptfordmarmoset - similar. I'm now on leave until September, apart from two days that I may book off anyway. I worked two days this week, having been off for a fortnight, and now haven't a clue what day it is.

* I don't get months and months worth of leave but haven't been able to take any between September and June, so had to try and take the lot in a two-month period. I've failed at that due to new work coming in so am carrying a load of days. Again.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Just about to start again when my phone rings. Cut off as soon as answering m/c comes on so junk.
It seems to be one of those mornings where it would be better just to stay in bed.
Supposed to be sunny intervals today but having just been outside it is not sunny and there is a cold gale. Had intended to go for a trike run but I think a walk will do instead.
Usual chaos as nobody seems to know where the road resurfacing is taking place today and panic from those who have just realised they probably have not got enough time to get to the ferry.
On the ferry the passenger lift for disabled is out of commission again. It is designed for a building and cannot cope with ship movements. I have been lucky so far in that I have always managed to find it working. It tends to get misused by the lazy and dog owners whose precious does not like stairs and is not monitored by Calmac.
A large cruise ship or as somebody put it "a floating petri dish" just came into the bay, turned round and made off.
This gives rise on FB to mind boggling disinformation on water depths in this area. I had creels out mainly for what we called prawns but were actually Norwegian lobsters so know the depths as well as scuba diving all round the local coast for scallops which we called clams.
Corran ferry of course is off and not likely to be back on until the main boat returns from a shipyard who seem to be dilatory to put it kindly.
The website belonging to Highland Council seems to be extremely vague and waffles on but gives no useful information.
Sometimes life here seems to be continual struggle just to survive and nothing like the bucolic paradise mainlanders imagine.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Just started to rain here
@DCLane enjoy the garden clearing in a few weeks who knows what you might find

You can keep your rain - I'm 20 miles from home having a café stop.

My guess is I'll find more shopping trolleys with more stuff in.

Or a 'lost' student at the far end as @tom73 suggests. Apparently there's a shed and a gate about 20 feet back through the undergrowth!


getting better all the time
The hay fever turned out to be the family cold. In bed with a :cuppa: and various podcasts.


Continued confusing the ebike this morning by after a trip to Sainsburys the next morning it usually goes to Waitrose but that's Saturday so the opposite end of those stores instead and Aldi. Bought enough bags of salad leaves to last the 4 days of warm weather we are meant to be having. Blame me if it isn't. Remarkably nearly all the bike stands were trolley free, wondered if something internally had been said as there was a combi lock left on one stand.
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Re member eR
I have today finished all the work I had in hand. Completely finished, nowt to do. Nada.

This is 'work' work, not jobs in the house etc etc. It's an odd feeling not having anything to attend to. I have been here before of course, holidays, Christmas etc but there has always been something coming up that would be arriving soon after the break.

Naturally I am booked in for other stuff by Mrs Colly, decorating, shelves, various repairs and so on, so that elusive sun lit upland is still a little way off.

Edit: It could be why I have time to post shite on here.
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