Mundane News

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Leg End Member
going to bed,i can feel the cold shivers coming on.Its part of the problem.Freezing and violent shivering,then later i will be sweating and the bedding will be cold and wet.Docs cant do anything till they know what is up with me,goodnight all.
Whew, that was a full-on afternoon.

Lad a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with Polish sausage, one with red leicester, plus some plums, a pear, some blueberries and two :cuppa:

Then did all the prep for supper before disappearing off to town to get some errands squared away. Was delayed in Tesco due to only two tills being open. They've taken out 2/3 of the tills as part of the refurb and replaced them with self-service ones, but everyone's avoiding them like the plague. And they're an arse for scanning the YS labels anyways going on past experience.

I did manage to do the two dozen photo prints for my archive that I couldn't get done previous week due to the machine running out of paper, and I also threw £20 of fuel into the car.

Lovely supper of grilled tuna, bulgur wheat with onion, lemon & parsley, roast veggies (onion, pepper, courgette, garlic) and a tomato salad made with tumbling tom tomatoes from the garden. :hungry:

Also managed to watch a good chunk of Southern Brave's win over the Birmingham Phoenix.

Almost be time for another :cuppa:

Just waiting for the bread to finish its bulk ferment before I can shape it and bake it. Keeping the dough in the fridge slowed it right down, and it probably still needs another hour before I can knock it back.


Leg End Member
Time to visit the Land of Nod.

My coach and horses are waiting.
Will you be returning via Fryup in the morning?
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