Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
had a very nice day w/ Wifey
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up until we saw an Osprey dive & catch a fish, then circle overhead & dripped fish blood on Wifey! xx(
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a cpl brewskies fixed her right up
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That's a hazy beer! DIPA?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Finally stopped raining about 15 minutes ago
Got out as far as my recycling bin. Behind the house about 20 yards away.
Searching my bookshelves I discover two copies of Clochemerle with different covers but nothing else apart from The Affairs of Flavie by the same author.
I am pretty sure I loaned Clochemerle Babylon to my younger son and he left it behind when doing an emergency exit from some middle east country due to an uprising involving local politics. He seemed to spend a lot of time working in dodgy middle east countries at one time and spent 6 months in Iraq which seemed ok at that time and he had learned to blend in well in such places.
Was in Libya for two weeks once before abandoning the job after constant surveillance by secret police.
Anyway back to Clochemerle. I do not and never had Clochemerle Le Bains so I must try Kindle to see if it is available at a reasonable price.
I did discover some interesting books I had forgotten about so my reading material should keep me going for long enough to see me out.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Family visits done, plus a coffee stop at The Yard cycling shop/café in Rathfriland and a short beach walk just north of Dublin, we're sat at the ferry port waiting for a late evening ferry.

Hopefully it won't be as bouncy as it was on Friday evening.

Back home around 4am and then I'm doing it all again in a fortnight for the Irish track nationals.
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