Mundane News

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Though still feeling like November, rather than early August. :rain:

We are doing our best to combat global warming ! :whistle:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Hazy sunshine to start today but brightening up now.
Temp was 9C when I got up which is the coldest for a while. Definite autumnal feeling.
Looks good for triking and got an off road exploration in mind.
Road warnings about Highland cattle wandering about on the double track. Very dodgy as some people just put the boot down and never mind legal limits. When this section of road was first completed it was rumoured that one car exceeded 140mph at one point. Knowing who this possibly was I can quite believe it.
Regarding vehicle insurance it always seemed strange that the insurance on a Fiat Panda was three times the cost of my 6metre cumbersome motorhome but with different companies. The motorhome people did not cover cars unfortunately.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where I can actually see some blue sky amongst the clouds. It's looking to be very windy out there judging by the movement of the trees on the other side of the rail line and it was quite chilly earlier - back to the fleece dressing gown while making coffee first thing.

I'm determined to get out for a few miles later today, but will give it a couple of hours to see if the breeze drops a bit first.
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