Mundane News

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Nice early evening dog walk lovely early evening sunshine all black clouds have gone.
Well it was until a Yorkshire terrier came charging up to Charlie at full speed.
Sensing trouble and sure enough the little git went full on for him. Only after shouting at it did it's owner notice it had wondered off. She was more bothered trying to film her daughter throwing a ball for the other 2 dogs.
Totally ignoring the owner the little sod came back for another go only then Finally did owner got the dog out the way.
Simple use of the lead would have fixed it 1st time.
One more go and it was going to end up being launched the other side of the park with my boot.
She said sorry I just gave her a look. The thing is our dog can be a nervous aggressive and if he'd have joined in he'd get the blame. It's happen before even when we've used his yellow lead away from home.
To his credit Charlie was very calm just giving few warning growls and standing his ground.
It's clearly not friendly it had a go at another dog as they left the park.


MrsPete's sister, niece & a couple of kids visited this afternoon.
Me, being the cook in the house, set up to do a meal..
I put the electric (that I hate) oven on to warm up and went out into the garden to socialise. On returning to said oven, I opened the door to bung stuff in and thought 'that looks a bit strange' as the inner glass door had exploded showering the inside of the oven, and floor nearby with glass!
I've never known an oven door to KABOOM for no reason!

Maybe it's the new washing machine upset by you showing attention to other appliances. Using the power of the net to attack the competition. Best unplug it at bed time :crazy:


London, UK
I wear one of those; they're fantastic when riding in rainy weather, after they've been conditioned...

Do you condition yours? Is there a particular brand of conditioner that you use?

Ive been reading some conflicting information about 'saddle soap' that is normally used in the equestrian world but it also works on leather boots/shoes, accessories and other things leather. Some people recommend the use of it on hats while some people dont because it leaves the leather dry and thus I only need a conditioner.


That defo need to use the car nearly turned into not defo thanks to empty frozen food sections in Sainsbury's. Eventually found one of the items I was looking for and bought three. A couple of new dinner plates added to the justification for not using the ebike. The return journey was somewhat quicker than by ebike but outbound the car was only a handful of minutes quicker than the norm by bike.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...

My oven... At least I'll get one I like now 😂
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