Mundane News

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Had a lovely luncheon of three slices of farmhouse loaf, one with hummus, one with polish sausage, one with honey, plus a banana, a flat peach and two :cuppa:

Just been chilling out watching the junior downhill MTB (not seen that before, blimey it's bonkers!) and listening to Southern Brave v Welsh Fire in the Hundred.
Tasha the cat had something very similar. As you say there was nothing you could have done.

Her ashes are buried at the the end of garden, where she liked to sit, and marked by a collection of large pebbles. Leo's ashes are under a white potentilla, as he was a white cat.

I got Poppy a nice beechwood casket. :blush:

Linda has a colleague at work who makes resin keepsakes from pets' ashes, so I'm thinking of getting something small made that I can add to the chain on which I wear a locket and a St Christopher.


London, UK
saw this in the local charity shop...


And it was just too good to pass up



Now all i need to do is find some conditioner for it


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Meant to go out on trike but then the rain started so went for a walk instead. The rain then stopped and it dried up.
Parked at the foot of the road leading up to where my wildlife pal lives and walked ( or rather staggered) up but turned back before I got that far. On the way back he appeared in his car heading home and I was invited for lunch.
Staggered back to my car and drove up to his house where we had brown trout from what is in effect his private loch near his house. Not really private but not easily accessible to the general public tho’ a short walk from where he lives.
Had a tour of his extensive garden and checking his potatoes I got a bag full which should last me for a month or two.
The sun has finally come out . It has been grey for most of the day and felt chilly when I went out for a ride with a friend this morning . We did 12 miles.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
MrsPete's sister, niece & a couple of kids visited this afternoon.
Me, being the cook in the house, set up to do a meal..
I put the electric (that I hate) oven on to warm up and went out into the garden to socialise. On returning to said oven, I opened the door to bung stuff in and thought 'that looks a bit strange' as the inner glass door had exploded showering the inside of the oven, and floor nearby with glass!
I've never known an oven door to KABOOM for no reason!
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