Mundane News

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Looking like it's about to rain and i've a load of Mrs 73 uniforms need drying. Peg them out and risk it or dry in doors ?
Off out with the dog in bit then a quick call into town.
Cool and grey here chez Casa Reynard, with rain expected imminently.

Slept well. Spent the morning doing assorted stuff, which included a load of laundry and making a batch of hummus. This afternoon I will need to mend the pair of hiking trousers that I sometimes wear for cycling on those occasions when I do not want to wear lycra e.g. for shopping / utility rides. The nose of the saddle has worn through some stitching, so it's simply a matter of re-doing the seam. I tend to avoid cycling in jeans if I can avoid it.

The cherry tomatoes are beginning to show signs of ripening en masse rather than just the odd one or two.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.
a cpl weeks ago, I dropped off a disposable camera for processing. it had been on a shelf at home for decades? it had a printed expiration date of 2005 so maybe there are photos from 2004? 19 years ago! :rofl: picking it up soon :hyper: I suppose there is a chance that there was really nothing on it, I guess :scratch:
Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with Parma ham, one with red leicester cheese, plus a banana, a flat peach and the obligatory two :cuppa:

Hung out the laundry (upstairs in the bathroom) as it's been spitting with rain outside, mended my hiking trousers and done some writing.

Madam Poppy is feeling under the weather. I'm just hoping it's down to mum feeding most of a rasher of bacon to her yesterday.

I need a :cuppa:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The wind has died down but it remained wet all day so far. West Highland Week race is arriving here Wednesday but if it had been today I could not tell anyway as the Sound is completely invisible with Scotch Mist. One hundred or so boats are quite conspicuous normally filling the whole Sound and giving palpitations to Calmac ferry skippers as well as the massive bulk carriers heading for the Glensanda Quarry. Probably takes the latter a couple of miles to alter course and just as long to stop. Sometimes their navigation leaves a bit to be desired and one Calmac skipper admitted shouting at them over his radio as they had a greater draught than the available depth on the course they were following. They did get over the hazard by as their skipper put it " we all breath in and hold our breath" :eek:

Not wakened up properly all day and spent the time mostly reading a Terry Pratchett book. Pure hokum but entertaining as he had an eye for contemporary news and lots of sly asides.
a cpl weeks ago, I dropped off a disposable camera for processing. it had been on a shelf at home for decades? it had a printed expiration date of 2005 so maybe there are photos from 2004? 19 years ago! :rofl: picking it up soon :hyper: I suppose there is a chance that there was really nothing on it, I guess :scratch:

awww drats ... it's "still in process" good grief. where did they send the film, Australia?
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