Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Busy bird feeder this morning. A herd of Starlings, mugging the suet pellets, a Sparrow darting in to grab some, too,with a couple of Pigeons hoovering up whatever drops to the ground.
Two male Blackbirds are having a bit of a territorial battle over the part of the garden nearest the patio and a Thrush sitting on the fence but not feeding.

🐦 🐦


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I waited till the :rain: eased before walking the 🐶, but Saturday is the day for the long walk. The :rain: sneaked up on us.

Curiously I didn't see many other people walking the🐕

Had to replace the battery in the Garmin Vivofit, I'd forgotten how. Probably need a new one, as the display is playing up & straps are hard to get. Anyone had experience with the Vivofit 4?
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But ... it's the last day of our holiday before travelling home tomorrow.
A welcome home from the weather awaiting
Yellow warning of rain just issued for all of Sunday across most of Yorkshire and beyond
Any Mundaneers help?
Can't write text at all into CC via an old iPad .... ok last week but not now, any ideas?
At least phone works :okay:


Itching to get back on my bike's
Moan time, went into Wilkinsons earlier no trolleys offered now just silly shopping trolley with a long handle.
Found what I wanted ie big sacks of bird seed no price on shelf but one above had £7.50 with an arrow pointing down to sead and description fitted product couldn't read the code as way too small. So picked a couple up and put them in silly trolley made way to self serve tills as no manned ones any more scanned the code and came up with £10 so went and found a staff member and explained and they got a shop member to check and they said I was wrong so I went and showed them I wasn't, ah yes but the code is different. How can you read it I said? Got told they couldn't but had scanned the label I saw and the product and they were different so £10 . My answer was no arrow was pointed at product so expecting to pay £7.50 after a short stand off they agreed but only on the 2 bags .
Needed a cuppa after that and another one just now
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