Mundane News

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Quietly crapping all over the car if @The Velvet Curtain 's posts are anything to go by. ^_^
They were.

First time I have taken a car to the East Europeans to clean. Two of them washed it thoroughly, then four decended on it to hoover, dust and polish the interior. This was followed by a double chamoise, tyre shine and an air freshner, finally another rub down. Very impressed. All for £10. It's not worth me getting out the bucket and sponge ^_^


Legendary Member
MIL is back in hospital. She was doing well in the care home and had only been there a week, when yesterday they were assessing her back home. She was given the all clear (once the care team was sorted out) to go home, but was rushed in hospital with kidney pains and skin blistering (sign of kidney failure)

Oh dear! That sounds unpleasant, we wish her well.


Legendary Member
I've just been down to the shops for some bread and milk.
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