Mundane News (Part 1)

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Über Member
New Forest
Ok but I am fair weather after Xmas and I don't mind admitting it until April.
I did more training during Winter/ Spring. Need my head read considering I spend nearly all my time outside :crazy:


Re member eR
I was informed that one should use the stem as a 'handle', and open the banana at the other end - using one's thumb-nail to initiate the opening of the skin, if necessary. In the past I had always, mistakenly it now appears, commenced the unpeeling operation at the stem end. I felt such a fool!
Oh the shame ! All those times I have peeled 'from the wrong end' and no one had the decency to tell me.
How can I hold my head up in polite society now?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Run that one past me again ?
I went round to see my ex just before she went to work on Saturday. She works up on a big local hill and if the weather is good, I often walk up the hill with her and we call in at a cafe up there. Then she goes to work and I walk back down the hill and go to the shops.

When I called in on Saturday, she told me that she was going away the next morning, so would I like the organic veg that she was not going to eat before she went away? I said 'yes please', but I didn't want to carry it up the hill with me, and then back down again, so I suggested that we hide it in the bin. I would make sure to pick it up on my way home. Which, of course, I didn't do!

She rang this afternoon and said that she knew that I would have forgotten about the food, so now I need to go round to get it.

The stupid thing is - I only live 50 yards away, so I should have just brought it back here in the first place, before we went for our walk on Saturday ...:whistle:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I went round to see my ex just before she went to work on Saturday. She works up on a big local hill and if the weather is good, I often walk up the hill with her and we call in at a cafe up there. Then she goes to work and I walk back down the hill and go to the shops.

When I called in on Saturday, she told me that she was going away the next morning, so would I like the organic veg that she was going to eat before she went away? I said 'yes please', but I didn't want to carry it up the hill with me, and then back down again, so I suggested that we hide it in the bin. I would make sure to pick it up on my way home. Which, of course, I didn't do!

She rang this afternoon and said that she knew that I would have forgotten about the food, so now I need to go round to get it.

The stupid thing is - I only live 50 yards away, so I should have just brought it back here in the first place, before we went for our walk on Saturday ...:whistle:
Got it now^_^


Noooooooo, that sounds just plain wrong. 'The stem end' is much easier to grab hold of and start peeling with - not the other end. However, the man who will know, is not that far away and I will bow to his superior knowledge of culinary etiquette @The Velvet Curtain ??????
In polite society bananas can be opened from either end, it really does not matter. Sliding the peeled banana in and out of your mouth suggestively is frowned upon. Also, trying to recreate the Cadburys Flake advert is right out.
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