Mundane News (Part 1)

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The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
In polite society bananas can be opened from either end, it really does not matter. Sliding the peeled banana in and out of your mouth suggestively is frowned upon. Also, trying to recreate the Cadburys Flake advert is right out.
In polite society one has one's banana peeled for one, and sliced so as to avoid the possibility of offence occasioned by vulgar consumption.


:stop: unless it's mundane,back to Tea!
Hill Wimp never lets us have any fun

<sulks off and slams mundane door behind him>
In polite society bananas can be opened from either end, it really does not matter. Sliding the peeled banana in and out of your mouth suggestively is frowned upon. Also, trying to recreate the Cadburys Flake advert is right out.

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