Mundane News (Part 1)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Baxters Lentil and bacon soup i can recommend.


Leg End Member
'66 was a fine year. Must have produced lots of young looking people. Apparently I'm one too :biggrin:

(I do wonder though, whether one day it all catches up at once, and you wake up, look in the mirror, and scream?)
Don't bother looking in the mirror, no reflection & I've had this face long enough to where everything is.


Last Monday my youngest daughter turned 16,i am 63.Just thought i would let you know.I will still be drawing family allowance when i get my pension feb 2015.I think.


Leg End Member
I always wanted to be a witch when i was small.

Trouble is i had platts, red shoes and a cairn terrier, thankfully wasn't called Dorothy though.
Remember Pendle, Lancashire.
Now you know why their rose is red. Ours is pure white.
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