Mundane News (Part 1)

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Leg End Member
Born in 71 ,nowt happened then, bloody hard when it comes to "come as the year you were born " 60s kids had it all :sad:

1 September – The pre-decimal penny and threepence ceased to be legal tender.
3 September – Qatar gained independence from the United Kingdom. Unlike most nearby emirates, it declined to become part
of either the United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia.
7 September – The death toll in The Troubles of Northern Ireland reached 100 after three years with the death of 14-year-old
Annette McGavigan, who was fatally wounded by a gunshot in crossfire between British soldiers and the IRA.
9 September – British Ambassador Geoffrey Jackson was freed after being held captive for eight months by extreme left-wing
guerillas in Uruguay.
21 September – The television music show The Old Grey Whistle Test was aired for the first time on BBC 2.
24 September – Britain expelled 90 Russian diplomats for spying, following revelations made by a KGB defector; fifteen are not
allowed to return.


Leg End Member
Decimalisation in United Kingdom and Ireland both switch to decimal currency.
Education Secretary Margaret Thatcher's ( "Thatcher The Milk Snatcher". ) ends free school milk for children over the age of seven in the UK

Born in 1971
Lance Armstrong, September 18th

The First Internet Chat rooms appear


Über Member
New Forest
Decimalisation in United Kingdom and Ireland both switch to decimal currency.
Education Secretary Margaret Thatcher's ( "Thatcher The Milk Snatcher". ) ends free school milk for children over the age of seven in the UK

Born in 1971
Lance Armstrong, September 18th

The First Internet Chat rooms appear
Its hardly the moon landings or punk !!


Leg End Member
  • Apollo 14 lands on the Moon.
  • Apollo 15 astronauts become the first to ride in a lunar rover a day after landing on the surface.
  • Three Soviet cosmonauts die during Soyuz 11 accident on June 30th .

The above assumes that man actually went to the moon & came back.


Über Member
New Forest
Yeah but 21 September and the Old Grey Whistle Test that's classic. You should know that as a music lover and fellow "Chain" competitor.
But I was a tiny sprog then, music did not start for me till 1980 and girls .


Über Member
New Forest
I was only 2 but OGWT was a staple of my growing up along with TOTP, Rock around the clock on BBC2 and the Tube.

Boys are always late starters :girldance:

You have just posted Tiger Feet. That was January 1974 !
Yes ok I have memories of the Quo and TOTP ,Whistle Test and Val Donican but my first crush was Clare Grogan
with her straw hat. :wub:
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