Mundane News (Part 1)

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No longer a Specialized fanboy
They say that if you have an infinite amount of monkeys, at an infinite amount of typewriters and give them infinite time they eventually they will produce the complete works of shakspeare.

I have calculated that if you have about 20 monkeys fighting over 5 typewriters for about 30 minutes you get the script for an episode of Eastenders.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I saw a tip on Twitter this week, with regard to dinner parties. It said if you can;t be bothered to cook dessert, just give each guest a bag of chocolate buttons.

Now I really want to host a dinner party and do that!


World class procrastinator
You should buy a cow. They're excellent value for money, good with children, and provide an excellent conversational opener. And milk.
2 bed flat, no room.
Got to ask this. But where do you think that most of the milk in supermarkets comes from?

I think that supermarket milk comes from cows. Why? Where do you think that milk comes from?
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