Thanks for all of your lovely messages.
She's come off remarkably well considering what she's been through. Very bruised ribs. A few scrapes. She went over the bonnet bashing her ribs on the bars on the way and then dumped in the road that the car was turning into. By the time her face hit the road she'd tumbled away most of the energy so a split lip and nowt else. The driver got out, took one look at her, got back in and drove away. A witness who works with him had to go and get him(!?). When I turned up he was telling her how traumatised he was by the event (?!) and how damaged his car was. He then explained to me that she'd been in his 'blindspot'. I pointed at the enormous painted silhouette of a bike and green tarmac that we were standing next to and that he'd taken her out because he'd driven across the bike lane without checking - he told me that there was no need to be nasty! He wants to be glad I'm a pacifist
You also want to be glad you're a pacifist iykwim. Let's just hope that all the official channels work properly, it sounds like he's condemning himself by his own words and actions, but I would say that, wouldn't I?
All the best to Mrs Mickle, and it's good to hear that her injuries were no worse.
In a perverse sort of way it's a shame it didn't happen a few weeks ago. A local election candidate may have been minded to take a proactive approach to the situation. Still, it's possible you might end up with an eager new councillor who's willing to look into things like road layout etc