Be very interesting to see if Norris will qualify ahead of Piastri in Japan. I see emotional vulnerability in Norris that Piastri is'nt plagued with and this could be of the greatest significance in the long run . Immediately after the race old USa Zac embraces Piastri and then turns to Norris and offers a polite handshake . Norris will have to man up in a fortnight or he will have some sleepless nights . You lose the race as much in your head as on the racetrack.
I was quite surprised to see Norris admit to this in an interview. He was reflecting on social media coverage and acknowledging how it gets inside his head and it is damaging. If it was a rival, or a team-mate I'd be exploiting that. Oscar is the cold calculating killer type that will see that and store it up to his advantage.
As it stands I think Norris has the edge on pace, just. But the wind has to be blowing in the right direction, the metaphoric sun shining and ego stroked with the correct tickling stick.
It is to an extent a frailty of Lewis. I always found that he was at his best when he was feeling loved, valued, both by the team and getting his oats at home. Toto, the good manager that he is, I think, recognised that and made sure the team loved him and at least tried to put out some haylage for him when the oats dried up. Lewis on his day for me was faster than Schumacher, but Michael had the mental edge. To this day I am still surprised he came back after Abu 2021.