Media coverage of Prince Phillips passing.

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Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
I've been musing on this and I reckon it's simply that the BBC hasn't kept pace (when has it ever?).

To explain, apparently we're in a week's National Mourning at the moment. When the BBC was ubiquitous, I think that it, and the press, were the tone-setters (Heaven knows we're miserable now and all that). Simply, the BBC is now just one of many channels, so that's why, when it tries to do the thing that it does, and has been doing for decades, it's ended up looking marooned and out of touch - because it really is.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I've been musing on this and I reckon it's simply that the BBC hasn't kept pace (when has it ever?).

To explain, apparently we're in a week's National Mourning at the moment. When the BBC was ubiquitous, I think that it, and the press, were the tone-setters (Heaven knows we're miserable now and all that). Simply, the BBC is now just one of many channels, so that's why, when it tries to do the thing that it does, and has been doing for decades, it's ended up looking marooned and out of touch - because it really is.
So Radio 6 carries on with its usual programming, inadvertently plays the Sex Pistols or similar, the right wing press gets up in arms and the station ceases to exist?

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
So Radio 6 carries on with its usual programming, inadvertently plays the Sex Pistols or similar, the right wing press gets up in arms and the station ceases to exist?
6 Music has completed totally new programming at short notice - Radcliffe alluded to it this morning. It would have been easier to review the already-programmed material, but what's required is a completely different tone, not just risk-avoidance, it appears. Chris Hawkins was replaced with, amongst other things, 5 Live Science Programme this morning.

As I said, it's that the BBC is marooned amongst a sea of normality as others carry on.


I don't think it's coverage as such. It's more guarding against accidentally playing something horrendously disrespectful, which would be all too easy on a channel like R6. It seems we're getting a little more upbeat this morning anyway.
I listen to radio 3. Fortunately, schedule appears to be back to normal today - unlike yesterday. It's hard to imagine what disrespectful piece of music radio 3 could accidentally play!


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Diverts people from talking about Harry and Andrew.


Obviously an Aubergine
Oh wow!

I’ve really got the hots for this at the moment.

I’m thinking of getting one soon, if I can create enough room in the garage.

It's a pretty nice bike.


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