There's a requirement to clarify the parameters of this discussion, the level of response indicates that rarerification isn't having the desired effect, so we need to get down and dirty to understand the grass roots agenda for moving forward. Each of us can be proactive in identifying areas of improvement, prioritising on a ROI basis to stratify, and bring meaning to, our working plan to get ahead of the field. Clearly, without this vital input, the chickens won't be coming home to roost and we could all end up with egg on our faces. Our structure will be rigidly fluid, crystalised in the most malleable form where we support the flexibility to stand firm in the face of adversity. Information is key and implementation of a two way cascade, on a need to know basis, sharing freely among a targetted audience will allow people to clearly understand the position. This all has to be against a framework of ethical unity with clear demarcation of stakeholder responsibilities and never losing sight of our driving principles. We have to meet this challenge head on while looking at the problem from all angles, smash our way through the barriers with subtley and finesse. This isn't a time for for sitting back, wallflowers don't win, it's a time for visionary guidance adapting synergistic energies to hone team prowess to a fine edge. Positioning in a vertical plane of cross purpose opportunity has never been more important, lateral thinking can take us there. Each of you needs to harness your knowledge base to plough this furrow before our seeds can take root. These seeds can only grow if they receive enough crap from above, so our mission is clear.