Salty seadog
Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
+1 to that.
really want to break my duck.
+1 to that.
What a great cold day (User10571 how did you manage the ride without an hat?)
Here's the hand held pics
It's OK, the kids were asking why a man was pissing in our driveway.....
The Foodster pretty much has the day nailed. Mine started with a chilly ride up from Crawley, toes and other extremities a bit numb by the time I'd got to East Croydon. A couple of hellos, photo-op for Danielle's magazine and we were off. The usual cat and mouse blast southwards followed, with brief stops to regroup. I had a chat with the couple in the Harrods electric car as we went past Gatwick. It was so quiet, and they'd only changed batteries twice by then, but were a bit worried as their tender carrying the next set had broken down...
I spied a big Alvis (best car England ever made, you ask Jim Prideux), and as it wasn't garaged I assumed that Alvis had left the building. (sorry)
The group got a bit more fragmented after we left Crawley, although I managed a bit of a natter with @Salty seadog as we whizzed down into Staplefield. At some time in the proceedings I was alongside the Harrods car, but it was now devoid of the passenger. Chatting with the driver (who I later discovered is the Harrods MD), his passenger had got off at Crawley, but was very nice and called Jodie Kidd.
I rode from Cuckfield to Brighton on my tod, tucking in behind various wheezing, clanking motors, trailing one up Clayton Hill, which increased its speed to just above walking pace by having its passenger leap out. I hooked on to something slightly faster for the dual carriageway into Brighton and then hung around until Fab Foodie, Adian, TMN and a few more arrived. Fish and chips, beer, train, home. All good.
The opportunity to toss my flowing locks into the stiff northerly, was one I found too hard to resist.
If you check your pictures carefully you should see that the hat was deployed on a number of occasions.
i thimk i was following or not your good self untill i needed to void a hedge
I stand corrected!I have to say that the rolling roads from Handcross, through Stapelfield and on to Cuckfield has to have some of the very best cycling that the SE can dish up. Usually one can zoom along at a great rate of knots on the lovely, smooth tarmac, except myself and Mark got stuck behind a bleedin' great coach which in turn was stuck behind a wheezing old crock.
And @Fab Foodie , it was Accountant Dave wasn't it?
I stand corrected!
Lucky man ;-)The reason I remember was because when TC1 turned up we told her he was the Dave she was looking for![]()
Usually one can zoom along at a great rate of knots on the lovely, smooth tarmac, except myself and Mark got stuck behind a bleedin' great coach which in turn was stuck behind a wheezing old crock.
And @Fab Foodie , it was Accountant Dave wasn't it?
I think you can :-)can I just say I had a cracker...