I will need to find a way to back this up with photographic evidence, but since my second light turned up yesterday and I've now had the chance to commute both ways with the 2 lights, I have to pass comment that – in my very humble opinion – the
wide-angle adaptor makes such a difference to the usability of this light, it's unreal.
The adaptor lens says it turns '
your 10° spot into a 10°x30° flood', but what's noticeable now that I've used the light both with and without adaptor, is that the adaptor not only creates a larger 'bright' area, but there's quite a bit more light in the 'spill' area too. The standard light (i.e. without adaptor) is, as has been mentioned before, quite "spotlight" like – it throws light a long way, but the peripheral spill whilst smooth isn't really that bright in comparison.
I'm not suggesting everyone runs 2 of these lights, or rushes out to buy the adaptor lens, but I'm very happy. The adapted light is absolutely perfect for progressing at normal speeds (for me usually ~20mph, but only about 9.9mph today... 50mph+ headwinds are not fun

), although for me it wasn't letting me see far enough ahead to be confident I wasn't going to miss any ninjas.... So whilst the standard light is too focused, as a secondary occasional 'high beam' light in conjunction with my original adapted light, it's absolutely spot on. Literally.
(Note to self: must take photos to show what I mean
