I watched LAs video response to this situation (
livestrong site) and a few things struck me about it.
1) He does come across as very anxious about the likelihood of being banned from the TdF. Almost scared. I was genuinely surprised by that.
2) It sounds to me like he took that shower whilst the tester waited outside the house. He seems to implicitly accept that he didn't have the testers okay on it but I think he genuinely didn't realise there was a problem doing it.
3) He seemed verging on paranoid that 'the French' want to get him. Maybe they do, maybe they don't but he certainly seems to believe that they do.
My take on it is that, technically speaking, he is in breach of regulations. I don't think however that he intentionally/knowingly breached them. I think AFLD probably have to report that breach to UCI and LA, as part of procedure. They can't bend rules for anyone. I do think it's a non-story and I genuinely don't expect any sanctions to be placed on LA.
What does interest me is who leaked this non-story and why. I'd previously dismissed the LA pre-emptive strike theory but given my points 1 and 3, I wouldn't now rule it out.