Lance the Francophile

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Legendary Member
South East
I think LA will be prevented from riding The Tour, and the other riders will NOT start until he's re-instated......after all, The Tour is about cometition....isn't it...?


And now Lance is talking about his fear of being banned from the Tour de France... it is almost like he wants to be banned.

I don't know what went on with the test, but Lance reminds me of a particularly clever politician, who always manages to turn around any situation so it plays well to his audience back home. He always seems to run rings around testers, and then makes it look like he was the innocent victim of Keystone coppery. It is very, very clever. Whether or not he does it because he has something to hide, because he really believes he is fighting a cause, or whether he just enjoys pissing the French testers off, I have no idea. But he's certainly always one-step ahead with the spin...


Über Member
Flying_Monkey said:
I don't know what went on with the test, but Lance reminds me of a particularly clever politician, who always manages to turn around any situation so it plays well to his audience back home.

That's always been my view as well. He does seem to be very good at the PR side of his business.

It made me laugh when I was on the main forum and it read "Lance the ..." then below it the "Flying Monkey", simple things .....


Flying_Monkey said:
And now Lance is talking about his fear of being banned from the Tour de France... it is almost like he wants to be banned.

I don't know what went on with the test, but Lance reminds me of a particularly clever politician, who always manages to turn around any situation so it plays well to his audience back home. He always seems to run rings around testers, and then makes it look like he was the innocent victim of Keystone coppery. It is very, very clever. Whether or not he does it because he has something to hide, because he really believes he is fighting a cause, or whether he just enjoys pissing the French testers off, I have no idea. But he's certainly always one-step ahead with the spin...

I agree entirely.

I reckon the cycling authorities need me to take control and out spin him. I'd have the measure of him...

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Noodley said:
I reckon the cycling authorities need me to take control and out spin him. I'd have the measure of him...
Not gonna happen with McQuaid coming out and saying that the AFLD is unprofessional though, I thinks.


John the Monkey said:
Not gonna happen with McQuaid coming out and saying that the AFLD is unprofessional though, I thinks.

Maybe I could just write to the cycling authorities and tell them I could sort out all their problems. McQuaid would go for starters then I could just get on with sorting things out, by the book, no cock-ups, out-spin the spinners, firm stance, build cases which will stick, get all the national bodies on board, give more powers to those who can impose sanctions, stop f***ing about, etc, etc.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
The irony of McQuaid accusing someone else of being unprofessional (head of an organisation that charged the teams for the blood passport how long ago? and has been on the point of announcing it for how long?)

Mr. Armstrong has a video response up too;…#comment-2437

"There's a high likelihood they [the AFLD] will prevent me from riding the tour"

He really doesn't like France/the French, it seems.
John the Monkey said:
Not gonna happen with McQuaid coming out and saying that the AFLD is unprofessional though, I thinks.

So far they've either been outspun (likely) or they screwed up (probable). Either way they've not covered themselves in glory.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Crackle said:
So far they've either been outspun (likely) or they screwed up (probable). Either way they've not covered themselves in glory.

As Cunobelin said, the best thing to do would be to publish the paperwork.

I do find it odd that WADA are so cagey about this - I'm sure they've slapped sanctions on people for being late to testing, a situation not entirely dissimilar.


Failed Tech Bro
Noodley said:
Maybe I could just write to the cycling authorities and tell them I could sort out all their problems. McQuaid would go for starters then I could just get on with sorting things out, by the book, no cock-ups, out-spin the spinners, firm stance, build cases which will stick, get all the national bodies on board, give more powers to those who can impose sanctions, stop f***ing about, etc, etc.

I just read this while doing a Tony Blair impression (you know, with the open hand gestures and all) and apart from the bit about f***ing about, it really works.:blush:

Lance's relationship with the media is probably worth a book on its own, but he comes out the winner in most encounters.


Über Member
Ah the UCI what a fantastic governing body we have. Could that buffoon McQuaid not have spoken to AFLD behind closed doors rather than doing the dirty washing in the full glare of publicity.


back and brave
Keith Oates said:
I love the selective amnesia that abounds on some threads when people are trying to discredit others!

Which we take to mean what? Keith, I know you are no fan of ASO but I don't think anyone here is spinning this as UCI v ASO.

That said, I do feel McQuaid would have been better served not to have taken sides on this one. He has only fueled this very very silly story. None of us know what happened, whether LA did or did not "misbehave", whether he was okayed to take that shower (is that going to become the grassy knoll of this story?!). We don't know what "no anomalies" refers to; whether it's only the testing process itself or the entire meeting.

I could imagine LA could get arsey. It's entirely possible he did get up the nose of the tester. The tester might equally have disliked his authority being questioned and being generally dicked around. Everybody knows what people in authority get like when you mess them about; they suddenly become sticklers for rules. You can't win, and that's red reg to a bull to some folk. Maybe LA is one of those folk. The whole thing has gotten well out of hand.

I reckon LA will get a wrist slap, he'll issue a few more 'they hate me' statements & twitters etc, he'll ride the TdF and all will be forgotten (by most people anyway).


Active Member
Birmingham area
It all comes down to weather you believe the French or an American really!!! So maybe there both full of it an no test ever actually happened????? It’s all just one big conspiracy…….:laugh::biggrin::biggrin:

But really
I do like the bit in the video link posted by John the Monkey (above) where LA plays the emotional “if the French don’t want us to help in the fight against cancer then it’s up to them” card!!
I for one do believe him though I don’t know why I do but I do :smile::laugh:
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