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Is exercise "Raleigh" good for you?
Is exercise "relay" good for you?

Is exercise "relay" good for you?

Even if I don't live longer, I will feel better whilst I'm alive.
Million recommends!I woke up today, and apparently with no medial problems so that is a bonus.
I will aim to enjoy today, just incase I don't wake up tomorrow
I have no idea if living the "healthy" lifestyle will make me live longer but I remember the bad old days when I woke feeling like death warmed up with hangover and smokers cough, struggling to button my huge 38" waist trousers due to my huge belly and now I wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy. Even if I don't live longer, I will feel better whilst I'm alive.
Exactly. It's the quality of life that counts, not the quantity.
Million recommends!
I believe very strongly in pleasure. People have been known to snigger a bit when I say that, but that's a relic of the awful puritanism of the past when pleasure was frowned on so we now equate it with mere "naughtiness". Real pleasure is about feeling good doing all sorts of things: yes of course sex, but also all the other pleasures which can be intellectual or physical or emotional (and not just emotional to do with romantic love - the satisfaction of doing the right thing by a friend, or standing up for yourself for example - maybe that's actually a moral pleasure) - and if you are conscious of your pleasures and seek them out, then you are less likely to end up ill, hungover, overweight etc. I find getting really drunk unpleasant and I've had one properly horrible hangover in 20 years, but boy I have a lot of fun. And one of the words for depression is "anhedonia", ie unable to experience pleasure (hedonia - hedonism..). And we all know depression is bad for the health.
Pleasure is the fount of all health!