That would be great, to get as many fellow CC Ecossers as possible attending (but I'd say that's an almost impossible task - herding cats

springs to mind)...
I think our best bet is to have lots of rides, including shorter & less hilly ones to encourage ALL possibles to attend, and having both Saturday and Sunday rides... but the date very much depends on who is offering to organise (lately mainly Saturdays). Unfortunately, Sunday trains are often very sketchy

, not starting until late morning, and very infrequent (which is bad when unexpected delays occur).
About Bank Holidays - personally, I'd want to keep any long weekends free for going further afield or even add extra days and find a cottage somewhere, with family or friends (we've got lots of relatives threatening to visit us around May

Sorry @
Louch, not being very helpful, am I

... nice idea though!
Please don't let the above stop you from organising a ride, I'll be there if I can