Irn-Bru? Scottish Blethering Thread

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105% knowledge on 105
So can't chat in thread re ride, can't chat in pm about ride.....but people do have option to turn off getting emails when they receive a message on here......just a thought as its meant to be a forum for discussion ?


Cycling is fun ...
So can't chat in thread re ride, can't chat in pm about ride.....but people do have option to turn off getting emails when they receive a message on here......just a thought as its meant to be a forum for discussion ?
I think it's really useful to have e-mail enabled for important messages, so you don't accidentally miss things like the organiser's mobile number or the address of a private cake stop (which wouldn't be good things to post in an open thread :surrender:), but if that important message is hidden by lots of chatty blethery :tongue: ones, it's very hard to find again in the in-box...:scratch:
Personally I don't have a problem with other arrangements such as the route being discussed openly, in case there are others in CC Ecosse land that might want to join at a late date but are a bit shy :shy: and wouldn't ask to be added to a PM thread conversation. Especially if the organiser doesn't keep the OP updated ... definitely NOT referring to @Fubar here :thumbsup:
Just my 2p

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Über Member
Auld Reeker
Ahem. This thread is for blethering.
If you want to start a thread about not chatting and not blethering, I suggest you start a new one! :thumbsup:
So... Irn Bru or Diet Irn Bru? (Just to keep it on topic) :whistle: ;)


Cycling is fun ...
@Louch same here ... seem to be spending far too much time on trains to and from the far south these days rather than on the bike. :rolleyes:
Some poor sod ended up as 'a fatality on the line' near Huntingdon yesterday evening :sad:... my train was cancelled and I ended up heading north via Euston and Weegieland (no blethering in the quiet coach :whistle: where I found a spare seat). Further delays meant that I had 5 min to get from Central and GQS to catch another train east & home which I made by a whisker, :thumbsup: only to find out that it was being diverted after Linlithgow due to engineering works :wacko: ... adding an extra 15 min to the journey. I was lucky to have my trusty Trek waiting at Waverley :wahhey:, the buses are pretty scarse around midnight.

There you go @edindave , blethering & mentioning bikes - is that enough on-topic? :tongue:



105% knowledge on 105
I received £104 in rail vouchers yesterday for a delay coming home from Leeds, and put in a fresh claim for 84 today. Delays will pay for my cycling excursions next year on my new bike :bicycle:I got confirmation today that I can get the bike I want with my halfords voucher :smile:


105% knowledge on 105
how far in advance would we need to plan for an event that EVERYONE could attend?

would making it a Sunday be easier for the retail folks, and the roads less busy for the less road confident?

thinking end of May bank holiday weekend, Stirling start/finish as its central and has trains from most places, 30-40 miles. posting here to start thoughts as I know more post in here. Will create a thread in informal rides if there's enough interest.


Cycling is fun ...
That would be great, to get as many fellow CC Ecossers as possible attending (but I'd say that's an almost impossible task - herding cats :rolleyes: springs to mind)...
I think our best bet is to have lots of rides, including shorter & less hilly ones to encourage ALL possibles to attend, and having both Saturday and Sunday rides... but the date very much depends on who is offering to organise (lately mainly Saturdays). Unfortunately, Sunday trains are often very sketchy :angry:, not starting until late morning, and very infrequent (which is bad when unexpected delays occur).

About Bank Holidays - personally, I'd want to keep any long weekends free for going further afield or even add extra days and find a cottage somewhere, with family or friends (we've got lots of relatives threatening to visit us around May :eek::wahhey:).

Sorry @Louch, not being very helpful, am I :sad:... nice idea though!
Please don't let the above stop you from organising a ride, I'll be there if I can :thumbsup:



@Louch - pssst - find out where Telemark's cottage-to-be is ....... she's a very excellent baker ...... always has her bike and bike store available .... :whistle:



Bit of useful advice from @Scoosh regarding posting in Informal Rides threads, conversations, etc for those who aren't included in the Dollar RV Ride:

Keeping the 'arrangements' chatter OUT of the main thread and in Conversation (PM) is good. :thumbsup:

Keeping the 'chatter' out of the Conversation is what is needed - so if 2 or 3 of you are deciding if you are going to ride to Dollar via Paisley and Markinch, start your own Conversation, so others email inboxes do not fill up with irrelevant-to-them stuff.

Shaun is working on a post to this end ... :whistle:
Indeed he has worked on it ...


105% knowledge on 105
Im sorry, I still can't make sense of that, and from chat at Saturdays rv it wasn't just me

People don't know who's going from where unless there's a general chat about it. Also often people pick up hints, suggestions and riding buddies from openly sharing their plans and routes. But from that update, we
- can't have that discussion in the organizing thread, got told off
- can't have it in the pm , got told off

So where are people to general chat re rides? :blink: to me it should be in the thread, not the pm. Pm should be one of organizers sharing contact details and final meet arrangements, or any late changes. Cake choices, strava challenges, length of breeks etc in thread.


That would be great, to get as many fellow CC Ecossers as possible attending (but I'd say that's an almost impossible task - herding cats :rolleyes: springs to mind)...
I think our best bet is to have lots of rides, including shorter & less hilly ones to encourage ALL possibles to attend, and having both Saturday and Sunday rides... but the date very much depends on who is offering to organise (lately mainly Saturdays). Unfortunately, Sunday trains are often very sketchy :angry:, not starting until late morning, and very infrequent (which is bad when unexpected delays occur).

About Bank Holidays - personally, I'd want to keep any long weekends free for going further afield or even add extra days and find a cottage somewhere, with family or friends (we've got lots of relatives threatening to visit us around May :eek::wahhey:).

Sorry @Louch, not being very helpful, am I :sad:... nice idea though!
Please don't let the above stop you from organising a ride, I'll be there if I can :thumbsup:


I would tend to agree that this is an almost impossible (and thankless) task - in trying to cater for everyone's needs you run the risk of pleasing no-one. I think the Perth CC ride (while great) was a good example of having too many cyclists of differing abilities and no one person "in charge". I'd be inclined to stick to the principle of posting a thread stating "I'm going for a ride [here], on [this date] meeting point [here] - who's in?".
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